At Scriptings, Berlin, Saturday 23.02 / 7 pm / We would like to learn, and we are working on a book... [Readers' circle]
Please join us for an evening of live presentations by some of the contributors to the publication "We would like to learn, and we are working on a book. This book is a classroom." and others, including Paolo Caffoni, Dominique Hurth, Achim Lengerer, H.I.T, Lucie Kolb, Romy Rüegger:
Paolo Caffoni on a series of publications called 150 hours. The publications in question consist of preparatory teaching notes for the education of workers, housewives and the unemployed, developed in Italy in the 1970s. The signing of the metalmeccanici (engineering workers) employment contract in April 1973, brought an important period of trade union struggles to an end. As a result, 150 hours of paid work were allotted to workers every three years for "educational and cultural" use.
Dominique Hurth, Séance de lecture. In the format of exhibitions, readings and publications, Hurth explores in a nonlinear manner, historical narratives that are present in localities, words and images. Séance de lecture explores in images and texts her current work on the physical manifestation of a book in an exhibition space, the materiality of writing and syntax, and the physicality and performativity of reading, looking subjectively at Stéphane Mallarmé and Herbert Bayer.
Lucie Kolb, Romy Rüegger and Achim Lengerer in conversation about the publication "We would like to learn, and are working on a book. This book is a classroom." are taking a look at the book as medium and different modes of authorship connected to it. The space of the book is circumscribed and structured by its parameters: format, binding, jacket, title page, layout, preface, postface, table of contents, captions, cross headings, intertitles, annotations, editorial notes, appendix, blurb, names and accessories, thus creating authorship(s) consisting of varying roles and producing horizontal connections within the reading.
+ H.I.T. MUSIC & visuals!
We would like to learn, and we are working on a book. This book is a classroom.
Lucie Kolb, Romy Rüegger, Passenger books, HIT eds.
Passenger Books: Zurich Berlin Toronto, 2012.
Contributions by: Ellen Blumenstein, bolwerK, Vincent Bonin, Eva Egermann & Elke Krasny,
Dani Gal & Achim Lengerer, Maaike Gouwenberg, Max Jorge Hinderer & Irina Dumitrescu,
Egija Inzule & Maja Wismer, Karl Larsson, Falke Pisano, Simone Schardt, Robin Simpson,
Andrea Thal, Danna Vajda, Jacob Wren.
Scriptings/Achim Lengerer
Kamerunerstr.47 / 13351 Berlin / Germany
Tel. 0049 30 63961810 / mobile 0049 1578 5898 278
Near metro U6 Seestrasse or U8 Osloerstrasse + tramlines 13 and 50.